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Tina Evans

Do you feel out of alignment?

Have you ever driven a car that was out of alignment? You know when it’s happening. You can feel it.

Here’s a description I found of what happens when your wheels aren't aligned:

It can be dangerous as you can cause collisions by not being able to control the car and driving out of traffic lanes. It can also result in too much friction between the tires and road leading to premature thinning of tires and loss of pressure. All this leads to poor road performance.

The purpose of making adjustments to our car is to reduce tire wear and to ensure that vehicle travel is straight and true.

Using that description as a guide and changing a few words, here’s what happens when your team or marriage is out of alignment:

It can be dangerous as you can cause frustrations by not understanding where each other is coming from or where each of you wants to go. It can also result in too much friction in your relationships and lower trust levels leading to avoidance, or apathy, and an increase in pressure. All this leads to poor team performance.

The purpose of making adjustments in our relationships is to reduce conflict and to ensure that we are traveling on the same path together.

Think about the top 10 relationships in your life – those people that you do life with at home and work.

How would you rate each relationship’s alignment on a scale of 1-10? (1 is way out of alignment, 10 is going smooth)

Next, ask yourself - Is the person I am today out of alignment with who I desire to be tomorrow?

When things are not going the way that you want them to go, that can feel like your life is veering into a lane that you do not want, or even off the road, altogether.

The good news is you are the one to fix it. You are the only one that can straighten it out. But the power of having a coach to support you is to ask questions that help you see a different perspective and challenge you with new thoughts.

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